Strategy to Execution

Continuing the theme of agile against design thinking, Aussie-in-London Jonny Schneider spoke about how to allow for iteration while building a new product.
Schneider started with showing the double diamond model that many a designer will know … and then transformed it to allow for the bringing into focus of a strategy. Instead of Discover->Define->Develop0>Deliver, think Explore, Create, Prototype, Test.
More than anything, the testing stage is something that needs to be kept in, ideally you can create hypotheses and test and prove them, but you also need to make sure that you’re not just testing for the sake of testing something to meet a quota – if you run a test, you have to have scope in order to ensure that there’s a way to move forward if your hypothesis is disproved. Schneider pointed out that even a failure on a test can be useful – as long as there’s some means of being able to feed in the learning.
The slides are available online.
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